Article originally published 03/04/2008 at popculturezoo.com
Well, its that time folks. The site (ibelieveinharveydent.com) has been updated with all manner of opportunities to allow you to immerse yourself in Harvey’s bid for Gotham District Attorney. Click on the ‘What To Do’ button for a few examples, but be prepared to spread the Word of Harvey to your hometown. There are banners and posters to download at the moment with promises of more to come. There’s even a Dentmobile that will be making its way around the country! It looks like Portland, OR will be one of its stops, so you can bet yer bottom double-sided dollar coin that PCZ will be there when it arrives!
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When Heath Ledger tragically passed away in January, fans were skeptic as to whether Warner Brothers and 42 Entertainment would continue their Joker-centric viral marketing campaign for The Dark Knight. The ARG (Alternate Reality Game) had Bat-Fans scurrying around both the interwebs and their home towns searching for clues and solving puzzles left by Mr J. In light of Ledger’s passing, it only made sense that the marketing would shift its focus to another character. Or, maybe that was just ‘all part of the plan’?
Enter the site ibelieveinharveydent.com. This site isn’t unknown to players of the Dark Knight ARG. Originally launched last summer, this page was the catalyst to the eventual first look of Ledger as the Joker. Since then, it has remained as a largely dormant campaign advertisement for Harvey Dent’s bid for Gotham District Attorney. Of course, that all changed last Friday when the site received an update.
The site now claims that ‘We have the power to change Gotham City. Soon you’ll find out how’. It has been updated with fields allowing you to submit your email address and phone number (which is optional). Once submitted, you receive an email asking to confirm your address and saying that something will happen ‘in a few days’.
So, what are you waiting for? Join the fight to take back Gotham City!
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