Article originally published 05/30/2008 at popculturezoo.com
2ND UPDATE - 4/1
Well, the game is over. 28 ‘packages’ were found across the globe that included an engraved bowling ball, Joker playing card and a pre-paid cell phone. There was one in Portland, OR (home of PCZ HQ) but SoniaTheRed, our intrepid Publicity Dominatrix was thwarted from claiming it by what appears to be an inside job.
Once all 28 balls were recovered, fans were pointed to a new website (www.acmesecuritysystems.com/delos) where they were prompted for a name, phone number and email address. When entered, the given phone number would ring and would eventually reveal that the entire day’s events were an elaborate sting operation, courtesy of Jim Gordan and the Gotham PD!What’s next for The Dark Knight ARG? Stay tuned to PCZ for all the breaking news as it happens!
A new game is afoot! At precisely 6:00 AM PST, clowntravelagency.com was updated with a list of 28 cities. Instructions on the site state that a package is being held at each of the locations, with actual addresses being posted every hour so far. According to reports, the package includes a leather bag, bowling ball and an evidence bag containing a new Joker cell phone. Once the cell phone is activated, the city’s listing on the site receives a passport stamp.
We will update this story with pics of the package once they are received.
What are you waiting for? Head on over to clowntravelagency.com!!!
UPDATE - 3/30
What’s in the case?

After a flurry of activity today, fans tracking The Dark Knight viral marketing campaign were rewarded with the promise of a new element of the game… to launch on April Fools Day!
Early this morning, 17 of the Joker cake cell phones (included the one currently residing at PCZ HQ) began ringing. The voice on the other end of the line told the ‘clowns’ that they had been narrowed down to 17 (from the original 22 phones that were scattered throughout the US) and that we were assigned a letter to ’share with the rest of the clowns’.
As fans scurried to determine what the letters meant, reports were filed by the rest of the Joker phone holders. Each phone-holder received a letter and when all 17 letters were finally placed in the correct order, a new website was unveiled:
In addition to the Joker’s return, Harvey Dent contacted supporters via phone and his website to address the ’slanderous charges’ that have been made against Dent by a new group. This led to a host of new in-game websites that feature additional phone numbers to call and email addresses to contact.
Josephcandoloro.com - Joseph Candolro is a lawyer and founder of ‘Concerned Citizens for a Better Gotham’
Trustgarcetti.com - Roger Garcetti is running against Harvey Dent for Gotham City District Attourney
So, now the waiting continues. The envelope on the Clown Travel Agency clearly states a ‘departure date’ of 4/1. What will April Fools Day bring? A new challenge that will send fans scurrying across the country for more clues? Stay tuned to Pop Culture Zoo as we provide extensive coverage of this next chapter in The Dark Knight viral campaign!
For a complete rundown of new and updated in-game websites, check The Dark Knight ARG Wiki.
Original Story - 3/27
After what seems like an eon of waiting, today Batman fans were treated to a flood of new content for The Dark Knight ARG (Alternate Reality Game). The game, a viral marketing campaign for the upcoming Batman film, had appeared to be on a quasi-hiatus after the tragic passing of Heath Ledger, who portrays the the Joker in the film.
The game had originally appeared to be Joker-centric, involving a number of tasks (both online and real-world) that sent fans scurrying about and ‘auditioning’ to be in the villain’s gang. The culmination of this was an epic challenge early last December that involved the recovery of 22 specially baked cakes scattered across the country. The lucky few who were able to retrieve one of these cakes received a cell phone (hidden inside the cake) for their troubles. After the phone was activated, the ‘clown’ was told to await further instructions.
Fast forward three months…
Now, after a cross-country tour involving faux campaign rallys for Harvey Dent’s impending bid as Gotham City’s District Attourney, the Joker appears to have returned. This morning, all 22 Joker phones received the following text message…
“Hey clown! Long time, no crime spree! Well, put on your floppy shoes and answer this question: are you ready to get to work? (ReplyY/N)”
After sending a reply of YES and waiting a few minutes, another message followed…
“Glad to see you’re still alive and kicking. I’ll be in touch before Poisson d’Avril.”
So, April Fools Day certainly seems appropriate timing. Pop Culture Zoo is lucky enough to have in our posesion one of the 22 Joker cell phones, so we will be updating the site will all developments as Mr. J’s plans unfold next week!
Other developments discovered by fans today:
- A new edition of The Gotham Times has been received in the mail by a number of fans. The newspaper’s website has also been updated with the new issue.
- A number of Gotham-related viral websites have been uncovered, including Danaworthington.com, Maidenavenuereport.com and Citizensforbatman.org.
- A number of existing confirmed in-game viral websites have been updated with new content, including gpdiad.com and gothamusd.net.
If that isn’t enough, Harvey Dent was also in touch with fans via email, announcing that he had made his decision to run for Gotham City District Attourney…
(from email)
We did it! Harvey Dent has officially announced he’s running for Gotham District Attorney! And it’s all because of you — your support.
Your rallies, your petition drives, your videos, your enthusiasm. The Dentmobile brought our message of change for Gotham City to every neighborhood. But it was your energy that brought a message of support to Harvey Dent himself.
And he heard you. Harvey Dent heard the fierce desire all of you have for change in Gotham. And that’s why, today, Harvey Dent announced that he’s running for Gotham DA.
Now, the real battle begins. We all must join together to make sure that Harvey Dent gets the chance to take back Gotham City from crime and corruption.
Talk to your neighbors, your friends, your coworkers. Tell them why Harvey Dent is the one man who can save Gotham.
And keep on checking www.ibelieveinharveydent.com for news of the race.
Harvey Dent thanks you all. With your help, we can take back Gotham.
Allan Cypes
Media Manager, Harvey Dent for Gotham DA
Want to learn more about how to get involved with The Dark Knight ARG? Check out this wiki, which has an extremely well-organized rundown of all developments within the game.
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